I just want to put it out there - even though I'm firmly in the camp of recipe-swapping being off-topic, that doesn't mean we immediately need to close every question with the word recipe.
The question is here:
I’m trying to find a recipe for vanilla cream for pie filling.
Unfortunately, the author of the question deleted it in good faith, so only a few of us will be able to see it. For the others, here is the content of the question:
My great aunt used to make a wonderful cream pie with graham cracker crumb crust and meringue topping.
I'd love to find the recipe for the cream part. I remember she used milk, eggs, cornstarch, and vanilla. It was cooked on the stove top. Does anybody have the recipe (how much milk, how many eggs, etc.? I'm not even sure if it would be called a cream and I don't even know the name of the pie because it we always called it "Aunt Laura's pie".
Now maybe I haven't thought this through, but I'm pretty sure that this the kind of recipe question we aren't trying to prevent from cluttering up the site. Despite what the title implies, the question is not an open call for recipes. In fact, he's essentially got the recipe already, and seems to just be trying to figure out how to put the ingredients together.
Basically, the question is, "I have ingredients A, B, and C. How do I use them to make X?" This seems very reasonable to me; it's going to have at most two or three valid answers and is targeted at an expert (or, well, at least semi-expert) audience. This isn't a question that just anybody can answer unless they're willing to spend two hours trawling Google. The question is also clear and well-written and very difficult to mistake for a poll.
I think he really just chose a poor title, and that sparked a knee-jerk reaction from some of our members. I don't entirely blame them; we've had a major uptick in off-topic and discussion questions over the past couple of days, and when we get tired, we make mistakes. But we should try to correct them.
Did we do the wrong thing here? (By "we" I mean the community - I personally did not comment or vote to close.)
Or do I have tunnel vision here? Am I being too inconsistent in my interpretation of the recipe-swapping line?