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Questions tagged [recipes]

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3 votes
1 answer

Where can we ask questions about meal planning and recipes?

I don't really find Seasoned Advice to be helpful in its current state for my needs, but that's just me (this isn't a critique). I would like to find help regarding recipe/menu selection though, Lot ...
Zombies's user avatar
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1 answer

Clarification about recipe requests - why wasn't this post closed?

I'm confused about why this question wasn't closed as it seems to violate the recipe request policy. How do you make paneer? The accepted answer is a recipe which you could find using a google ...
Todd Chaffee's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

may I ask for a meta-recipe here?

As background, I had recently read that typically curry dishes from Kerala always start with frying onions and curry leaves. I was hoping to find more information on this, imagining in my head some ...
shabbychef's user avatar
4 votes
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kombucha question

The post for kombucha is borderline on the Community Wiki / call for recipes. Is the question refining a problem or extending a technique in a Question and Answerable way? Is the question explaining ...
mfg's user avatar
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2 answers

Proposal to end the recipe and subjectivity debates

Food and Cooking SE has only existed for 65 days, but they've been contentious days. Every SE site has problems working out just how much subjectivity will be tolerated and where the on-topic/off-...
Pops's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Can I ask about how to use a specific ingredient? (AKA: Culinary Uses Guidelines)

I have an ingredient that I'm not sure what to do with, can I ask how to use it? Can I ask for recipes including it?
Sam Holder's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

What types of recipe questions are allowed?

I'm confused by the distinction being made between "recipe swapping" and "recipe comprehension/improvement/repairs". Why are some recipe questions allowed but not others? Aren't they all about ...
-6 votes
3 answers

One rule for each user

After a while I got time to visit this site again. I'm surprised there is a lot of questions about food and cooking being closed. I saw this question asking how to make a beef and it got closed as ...
Daniel Moura's user avatar
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"Uses of X" questions - are they just recipe swaps in disguise?

EDIT: There is an FAQ question based on the results of this discussion. I just came across the Chocolate Peppers question and have been trying to figure out what to make of it. I can see how this ...
Aaronut's user avatar
  • 55.2k
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Proposal: Possible alternative to recipe StackExchange sister site....

Edit 10/26/2010 Fridge to Food entered beta 2 last night. I completely rewrote the back end using CakePHP in about two weeks. It has received pretty serious design updates. I don't know if we're ...
Daniel Bingham's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

The recipe issue: overview and an idea

Asking random, open-ended recipe questions is something many users fear will dilute the site, attract non-serious cooks, or create a muddled community which is indistinguishable from the rash of ...
23 votes
5 answers

Create a "recipes" meta site

So we have fairly strong support for the idea that recipe requests (AKA "recipe-swapping" questions) should be out of scope for the main site. I'd prefer not to rehash the rationale; for anyone who's ...
Aaronut's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

If/When the 'Third place' extension rolls out will that be suitable for Recipe swaps?

I notice there was talk of a 'Third Place'. I missed the beta for this, but it seems like it could be suitable for the recipe swapping that everyone desperately craves. Would that be other peoples ...
Sam Holder's user avatar
  • 11.3k
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Should this "recipe" question have been closed/deleted?

I just want to put it out there - even though I'm firmly in the camp of recipe-swapping being off-topic, that doesn't mean we immediately need to close every question with the word recipe. The ...
Aaronut's user avatar
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Why is recipe swapping a bad thing?

I've gathered that swapping recipes might not fit with the remit of the site. Is this true, and if so why?
codeinthehole's user avatar