A brief history of What makes baguettes in the US different from those in France?:
- The question was originally written in a more subjective and rant-like form, with the title "Why can't I get a good baguette in the US?"
- I edited into a more objective form I hoped would be answerable, asking about differences. The OP commented with approval of the edit.
- After comments that it was unclear if it meant mass-produced supermarket baguettes or those produced by "artisinal" bakeries (and suggesting closure!), I clarified the question to focus on serious bakeries, i.e. those one might expect would be trying to produce something like a French baguette, not just something baguette shaped. This has not been explicitly confirmed by the OP, but was strongly implied by both the question and the OP's subsequent comments about making an effort to find "good" baguettes.
- rumtscho edited further, trying to make the question even more objective and discourage ranty answers.
In an attempt to discern whether the question is sufficiently clear and answerable, let's look at the answers so far, all of which were posted after the initial edit putting the question in relatively objective form and clearly asking about differences:
- One now-mod-deleted answer described in detail the French style of baguette but not addressing differences (it was in fact posted twice in two forms).
- One now-mod-deleted answer and one with some discussion of reasons why bakeries might choose to make what they do (but not what actually goes on in the baking).
- One now-self-deleted answer was posted with some information but also some rant-like language.
- Two existing answers make a genuine attempt to address the question, but focus on only one factor (one about steam, one about flour quality) so are unlikely complete.
- One existing answer is fairly comprehensive.
No answers thus far have addressed differences between French baguettes and those found in serious US bakeries, the kind of bakeries that genuinely try to make high-quality bread, and might be expected to make something similar to what's found in France.
So: should we leave it open, with some continued vigilance from mods about removing non-answers? Can we edit it to be more clear somehow? Or is it irredeemably unclear or prone to opinionated answers, and we should just close it and possibly try to post a new, clearer question with less baggage?