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4 votes

How did we treat duplicates about difficult skills?

This seems reasonably straight forward. To allow a closely-related ("duplicate") question, the author would have to clearly demonstrate where/how their situation is different from the original ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
2 votes

Are our food safety canonical questions being used well?

It's possible that there need to be more specific 'generic' questions, rather than shoving everything at the 'food left out' answer Dealing with frozen food that's been left out (what temperature was ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 81.6k
2 votes

Are our food safety canonical questions being used well?

In many "left out too long" cases, the underlying question is "is the food concerned a perishable food to which the 2/4 hour rule applies?". I often see that such questions are instantly marked ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
2 votes

Are our food safety canonical questions being used well?

I agree with the approach we currently take as in the "left food out" example in the question. There are many different circumstances where food is left in the danger zone too long and I think the ...
Cindy's user avatar
  • 18.3k
2 votes

How did we treat duplicates about difficult skills?

After some more discussion has happened elsewhere, I'll document the results. The question of "Why did technique X not work when I tried it" is slightly different from the question "how do I do ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
2 votes

Do we want to allow new questions about vinegar mold, or to treat them as duplicates?

It depends on whether any older questions have a sufficiently general answer that contains a method for troubleshooting mold in vinegar culture regardless of specific details. If one of them does, ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
  • 65.5k
2 votes

Close - Duplicate, when more recent question is more useful

I think you are quite right. Since nobody else has chimed in, I went ahead and closed it, placing the duplicates in the direction you suggested.
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
2 votes

Calling it a duplicate AND Giving an answer

I only vote to close if it really is an exact duplicate requiring the exact same answer, in which case I can't imagine answering it myself.
FuzzyChef's user avatar
  • 65.5k
1 vote

Calling it a duplicate AND Giving an answer

I can see a case for answering, then agreeing with a VTC (so casting a vote) because someone else found a duplicate. Your answer may raise points that aren't covered at the older question, which ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 45.2k
1 vote

Do we want to answer evaporated/condensed milk substitutions individually or close as a duplicate?

I don't think that editing the old one is realistic. It's just too much of a change to get high-ranking answers to include what's in the new one. It's not just the sweetened vs unsweetened condensed ...
Cascabel's user avatar
  • 58.4k
1 vote

Calling it a duplicate AND Giving an answer

I take no offense. ...but let me explain my thought process... I will say that if if a question is a clear duplicate, I would not answer. Rather, I would simply VTC, and have done so many times. In ...
moscafj's user avatar
  • 76.9k

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