8 votes

People behavior : newcomer answer destroyed because it's not a comment, but he can't wrote comment on other posts because he has 1 reputation point

I am certain there was no malice in this action. I know the moderators on this site well and they have always acted in the best interest of the participants here. It is true that we prevent users ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 16.5k
8 votes

Are comments like "this would do better on X.stackexchange" helpful?

There is a further "new user" problem here. Evidently a homebrewing.se (as in Sweden, which is where .se in an internet address leads you) exists, and they went there, and could not understand it. ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 17.7k
5 votes

Are comments like "this would do better on X.stackexchange" helpful?

I think that such comments, as well meant as they are, have unintended consequences which make their net utility negative. Let's go through their effect on different people. Regular users of the ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 139k
4 votes

Are comments like "this would do better on X.stackexchange" helpful?

I think these kinds of comments can be helpful, but are often posted without being helpful. So I do not favor blanket deletion, but I think that users should feel free to flag them if they think they'...
Cascabel's user avatar
  • 58.2k
4 votes

People behavior : newcomer answer destroyed because it's not a comment, but he can't wrote comment on other posts because he has 1 reputation point

The answer wasn't "destroyed". It was converted into a comment on the question, which is appropriate: it was trying to clarify the question, not provide an answer. You're welcome to go one step ...
Cascabel's user avatar
  • 58.2k
3 votes

Has anybody else received abusive comments that were later edited or deleted?

If you permit me, I would like to play the devil's advocate on the topic. I have been the recipient of such fixed-quickly comments Since I have an Android app which raises a notification on any ...
DVK's user avatar
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2 votes

What should we do with answers in comments on questions?

As another one who sometimes (more by instinct than by bad intent) does that: Sometimes you have a tentative answer, eg something that could save the day but which also could be a technique that is ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
1 vote

Has anybody else received abusive comments that were later edited or deleted?

Facebook has an edit history button. I believe there should be something similar, with an ability to downvote comments like you can in Quora. I hate e-backtracking as well, especially when you take ...
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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