Questions tagged [recipe]

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4 votes
2 answers

Why are questions about making wine/mead/beer deleted?

It seems like the process of making wine and similar is about using food ingredients to make a food product. Are questions about this subject disallowed for some other reason(s)?
22 votes
9 answers

Should "I need a recipe for X?" questions be off-topic?

First discussed when the site was proposed: What's a good recipe for <insert some dish>? I believe that allowing recipe exchanges in a professional Q&A site would be a huge mistake. The "low-...
3 votes
5 answers

Restaurant mimicry questions allowed?

This is somewhat related to 'Should “I need a recipe for X?” questions be off-topic?'. The idea is, if I really like dish/sauce/etc at restaurant Y - is a question asking - 'what is the recipe for [...