I've done a search-for-it-on-Google-test, results are in millions of matches.
Round 1
chilli 11.9
chili 35.9
chile 235.0
Chile seems to be the runaway winner. However, this does not account for whether these matches are talking about the pepper or a dish (e.g. chil(l?i|e)
con carne) and not, for example, the country Chile. So, lets extend the test further.
Round 2
+chilli +(pepper OR peppers) 1.71
+chili +(pepper OR peppers) 15.6
+chile +(pepper OR peppers) 0.583
Again, we seem to have a winner. But this time, we have another problem - the band "Red Hot Chili Peppers" are coming up in many matches and skewing the results again. We need to filter them out as well.
Round 3
+chilli +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers 1.84
+chili +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers 1.68
+chile +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers 4.1
Well. This just makes things worse. Chile, and to a lesser extent Chilli, magically gain more matches. Helpful. I think Google is trying to help too much. Time to be pendantic.
Round 4
0.806 +chilli +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers -red-hot-chilli-peppers -red-hot-chile-peppers
1.69 +chili +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers -red-hot-chilli-peppers -red-hot-chile-peppers
0.563 +chile +(pepper OR peppers) -red-hot-chili-peppers -red-hot-chilli-peppers -red-hot-chile-peppers
Right. Now I think we're getting somewhere!
Given these tests it looks like chili is in front. Obviously, whether that means it corresponds to the communities needs or not is another question entirely. Plus, it's a shame really, I was hoping chilli would win. ;)
Result so far: Leaning towards Chili
is actually about the peppers. See for yourself. That is simply not a good tag for the peppers. It creates confusion where there needn't be any.[chilies]
for the fruit, go ahead, it won't be confused with chili con carne or any other chili dish. It's going to be less-commonly-used than[chiles]
, though, so questions with either of the former tags may get retagged, or if not, a synonym will be created (which is equivalent to retagging anyway).[chile]
would apply to the region. The plural[chiles]
would apply to the peppers.