This isn't actually a question -- it's just an observation I'm putting out here for moderators to contemplate.
I find cooking.SE the one and only SE site where the experience is decidedly negative, even hostile at times. This isn't due to the users but rather the moderators. I've never had any interaction whatsoever with any moderator on any other site I frequent, but on cooking I've been scolded, downvoted, and received highly critical comments from moderators on quite a few occasions, some of which I felt were entirely unjustified. (I use the plural "moderators" because I'm not going to draw personalities into this but in fact it has primarily been one mod -- but not entirely just one.) In fact, at this point I've pretty much decided to avoid the site entirely because it's become a negative experience more often than a positive one.
Am I alone in that feeling? I doubt it.
Am I just being a big whiny baby and feeling picked on? Gee, I wish, but I see other posters receiving the same treatment, so it's not just me. I've never encountered mods who use negative comments and downvotes as heavily as cooking mods do.
Am I asking moderators to do something special with regard to me? Nope, absolutely not.
No, I'm not going to get into an incident-by-incident postmortem so don't demand it. I don't have the time or desire to go back through months of posts to demonstrate my point and then argue them one-by-one. Yes, I fully expect many of you to reject this outright for that reason alone. Suit yourself.
And yes, I fully expect to get the crap flamed out of me for this post, so go right ahead, but I think you should just take this for what it's worth -- one person's experience -- and look at the moderation of the site with a critical eye.
TL;DR - Cooking is a hostile place while other SE sites are not because the moderation is very heavy handed and appears to involve personal biases at times.