Since we're soon getting a blog, its probably a good idea to start thinking of the first articles we're writing.
(If you haven't signed up to be an author, see Call for participation: Cooking blog. If you need ideas, or just want to share some, see Question ideas for our blog.)
So, if you're actively working on a post for the blog, please post (and keep updated via editing) answer saying:
- what you're working on
- if you can, an idea of when you'll finish
- progress updates, if its something that takes a while (e.g., doing an experiment in cheese making)
- any help you want from the rest of us
- anything else you want to add to help us all coordinate with each other.
UPDATE If you are a new contributor, you need an account for writing your post. When you start writing, please 1) post here what you are working on and 2) contact the blog admins at [email protected] to get an invitation. Please provide an e-mail address to which your account will be registered, and your cooking.stackexchange account name.